Monday, June 16, 2008


My house is almost done. Although we are only renting and do not own this house, I am proud of all the painting and decorating John and I have done to make it "ours". These are just pictures of the living room, and they don't do it justice, but we are quite proud of how well everything came together. By the way, make sure to take notice of the hole in the door in the left corner of that last picture. Apparently the previous tenants thought it was useful for something! We use it for Fiona's kitty door =)


Bethany Joyful said...

It does look so super cute!! I know (and experienced a little of it) all the hard work you guys have done and it looks great!!! I wish I could see it in person - maybe christmas time. Love you guys and I hope everything is going well. P.s. - I need your new address

Kim said...

I LOVE it. It's so you. Now that you are pretty much done, could you finally invite me over?

Danielle said...

Well I was going to invite you over for lunch yesterday, but the dairy farm was calling you...

Hope you and the boys had fun!

Tara Petty said...

hey we would love to come over sometime. don't know when we will be out that way again. let me know what you are thinking.

if you do come to mars this sunday to hear janette, you should swing by our new apt. in the city and check it out.